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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sara's Salon - Tuxie Tuesday

For those of you that haven't met me, my name is Sara. I'm a 19 year old Tuxie that Ma took in last January after my old food man realized that his allergies and my dander were not getting along.

I found my spots in Ma's house pretty quickly, and she's been giving me special powder in my stinky food and now it doesn't hurt to get up and down from the couch and bed as much as it used to. Getting old is really rough, but there's a great spot of outside past the seeing door and Ma lets me go out there sometimes if I have my harness on. She and Pop let me out there without my harness on for a while, but then the food powder started working and I realized that I could jump down to a different part of outside.

Bebe, the fluffy one, has yet to comprehend that I am the Queen of the House. The training is going slowly, but a few more head whaps and she may understand. The small one, Iago, rarely approaches. Head whaps were effective with that one.

Cloud Chaser doesn't smell as sick as he did so he's fair game for head whaps too, when he gets too close. That boy has no concept of personal space. Pop brought him here when he got sick and while he moves into his new house. He keeps to himself, so I'll allow him to stay.

This blogging thing is exhausting. I've been awake for 10 minutes! Time for a nap.

P.S. I am NOT snuggling that bear. It just happened to be there.

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Cafe Cats at 9:46 AM 11 comments


Hello Sara, it's lovely to meet you. I'm an old gal myself, so I do understand about getting old. I'm so glad you have a lovely home now, even if Bebe's training is taking a while, You look gorgeous there, resplendant on the bear cushion. You do need to cut Cloud Chaser a little slack I think, he's just trying to be friendly. You have that nap now, blogging is so draining, but it does mean we get to meet interesting cats from all around the world.

Toodle pip!

Angel the Saucepot

By Blogger Everycat, at 11/11/2008 11:14 AM  

It is a great honor to make your acquaintance, Sara. You have lived long and learned much in your years. I am happy to know you are being treated so well, for you deserve it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/11/2008 11:32 AM  

We has added Cloud Chaser to our purrarys too!

By Blogger Unknown, at 11/11/2008 1:05 PM  

Hi! I'm Scotchy. I saw your comment on the Floof & Fur about wanting to become a member. If you would please contact my typist we would love to send you an official invitaion to join. Her email address is kellyb29b AT hotmail DOT com. She will send you all the information you will need to get started right away.
P.S. We saw your picture Bebe and we could be twins!

By Blogger Kellykat, at 11/11/2008 2:06 PM  

Nice to meet you Sara!

Yes, The Lady That Takes Care of Us scritches , brushes and plays with us!!!!!!


By Blogger Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy, at 11/11/2008 3:32 PM  

Sara, it is an honor to meet you!

By Blogger Parker, at 11/11/2008 4:10 PM  

It's hard work being the queen of the house no matter what age - it's tough keeping all the other kitties in line!

By Blogger PB 'n J, at 11/11/2008 4:45 PM  

Hi Sara! Nice to meet you!


By Blogger Kiddo, at 11/11/2008 7:20 PM  

Hi ya Sara! You sound like a feisty gal-cat! Our mom says that the feisty-ness keeps you young!

And no, we don't think you are snuggling that bear...heehee!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

By Blogger The Island Cats, at 11/11/2008 11:34 PM  

I'm only 7 months old but we all grow old someday - so it makes us appreciate how hard it is. I'm glad you've got a nice loving home.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/12/2008 10:47 AM  

Sara you are looking very lovely today!! We are glad the powder is helping you feel less pain!!!
Your FL furiends,

By Blogger Samantha & Mom, at 11/14/2008 3:17 PM  

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